Boomer Style Magazine

The Men's Jewelry Store

Diamond Heart Pendant Necklace

February 9, 2015 by boomerstyle in The Men's Jewelry Store with 0 Comments

These graceful symbols of affection will be remembered for a long time. This is also a great reward for the woman who chooses to buy her own jewelry.

The diamond reflects rarity, brilliance and breathtaking fire of a gem which survived a journey of billions of years. Symbol of devotion, honor and strength, the elegant diamond is perfect for life’s important occasions. The diamonds are conflict free and in compliance with the Kimberly Code of Conduct. You’re not just buying diamonds; you’re buying confidence.

Optimistic and positive, gold adds richness and warmth to all things it is associated. It represents perfection in all things; is a symbol of stability and eternity. This is earth friendly, made with the Refined Karats system certified by Scientific Certification Systems’ strict requirements and a green process of ethically, environmentally, socially responsible production processes of water, waste and energy management; the gold is from 100 percent recycled Karats proudly made in America.

The rising price of gold and diamonds makes this, quite simply, a great investment all around.

Diamond Hearts are Always Fashionable… Never Trendy.

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