lying in bed with their backs to each other pretending to sleep minds wander away to a time when they cared and they laughed and they loved..
I don't know her name but she looks like a Sophie for years I have seen her as she walks around town alone and disheveled with a pram full..
lying in bed with their backs to each other pretending to sleep minds wander away to a time when they cared and they laughed and they loved..
You gave me fifteen minutes of nothin' then you walked on out the door I should have seen it comin' cause you always wanted more my friends..
as he lay in his bed gasping for air i ran to the door to call for some help but the pain in his chest ripped the sound from my throat so i..
dead souls dead brains dead bodies dead dreams dead hopes dead fears dead lives dead tears dead love dead care dead help dead prayer dead..
“…and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” The Beatles I traveled to a far off land across a cotton sea..
She never thought she’d grow so old to feel her body ache but time made haste as time soon does April became a memory She used to be so..
They shed their disease as they enter the room they fall to their knees leave their blood on the floor they taste of His flesh as He offers..
My shoes sit patiently by the door Waiting for the day I dust them off And slip them on And quietly run away ©sc 2011
When life gives you lemons…bake a scone. ~*~ I baked myself a lemon scone and brewed and cup of tea..