Music & Entertainment News
Val Kilmer as the Next Rooster Cogburn?
Could Val Kilmer Be the Next Rooster Cogburn in the Coen Bros. new Film?
We think yes. According to Entertainment News Ethan and Joel Coen will be remaking the classic movie True Grit. The directors will be telling the story from the 14-yr-old girl’s point of view. Knowing the Coen brothers—with their earthy sense of humor, this could be very interesting.
No cast has been announced yet, but we at Living Life…Boomer Style Magazine would love to see the role of Rooster Cogburn go to Kilmer.
Cogburn was originally played by John Wayne for which he won an Academy Award. It seems to me, that Kilmer could brilliantly fit into Wayne’s shoes and because the film is from a different point of view, Kilmer could definitely make the role of Rooster Cogburn his own.

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Shelli Carlisle
Assistant Editor
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RudsonJune 8, 2012 at 11:06 am
Fredric March 24, 2011 at 7:56 pm Hi.luv the hat shadow on his face and the kiddo. Lovely piece.I fololw your work a long time ago at deviantart.keep it up.Fred