Love & Marriage
Vacation Sex @ Home
Dr. Natasha Terry
Remember when you and your wife went away for a vacation and had the most amazing sex of your lives? Maybe it was the nice weather, the stress-free time together, or maybe it was just the rum. Whatever it was, many couples say that their most memorable sexual experience with their partner occurred when they were on vacation together.
But, we all know that regular vacations can don’t come often enough. Good news, you don’t need to go on vacation to get that great sex you’ve been dreaming of.
You no longer have to wait for your winter vacation in Mexico to roll around in order to experience some
of the best sex ever.

One of the reasons that vacation sex is so much better than normal sex is because when you are on vacation you are both care free and in different surroundings. Things you wouldn’t do at home you may think is perfectly normal on vacation.
How To Make Her Feel Like She’s On Vacation
Before you try talking in a foreign accent, hoping it will help you seduce your partner into performing sexual acrobatics, start with some basics.
Women want to feel attractive so that they can feel confident enough to let loose in the bedroom. Perhaps your partner doesn’t feel her most attractive all the time. Help her out by surprising her with a gift–-get her a gift certificate for the spa where she can get a facial and a massage. Finish it off with a gift certificate to get her hair and nails done, so that she will feel her best all the time.
The assignment; should you choose to accept…
Vacation Sex Scenario One
Create A Beach In Your Backyard
If the two of you are always reminiscing about that vacation you had in the Caribbean, surprise her by re-creating it in your backyard.
Sure, it will take a bit of work, but think of the weekend the two of you will be able to enjoy. All you need is some sun, sand, water and flowers to create a backyard getaway, perfect for vacation sex.
Rent a hot tub, go to the harware story for a bit of sterilized sand, learn how to make her favorite summer drinks and you’re set. You can also run some Chinese lantern lights around the backyard for a romantic glow for skinny-dipping.
When your partner discovers what you’ve done, tell her that for the entire weekend, you are both on vacation. Turn off the computers and the phones, order in food, and spend your time canoodling in the hot tub.
Sure, you will have to make sure the neighbors don’t have a view of your antics, but perhaps the risk of exhibition will only increase your libido.
Plan A Getaway In Your Own City
For lots of couples, sex becomes ordinary because the scenery doesn’t change. You end up having sex in the bedroom usually, and this tends to occur at night or in the morning. if
The monotony of this can make sex boring and ordinary. That’s why you should spice up your sex life by planning a getaway in your own city.
You don’t have to go far and spend lots of money to get vacation sex. All you have to do is book a room for a weekend at a hotel in your city that offers theme rooms. You and your partner can act-out your favorite sex fantasies in whatever room you choose.
Has she got a thing for hunky men in loin cloths? Get a Roman or Greek themed room and role play. With a simple change of scenery, you and your partner can change your ordinary sex life into an exciting, passionate one.
Plus, for a few extra dollars you can get a hotel room that comes with all the extras–a Jacuzzi tub in your room, a two-person shower and room service. You will never have to leave the hotel room, and you can try out all those different sex positions in the gloriously large shower.
Vacation Sex Scenario Three
Cabana Boy Meets Female Tourist
Another reason people have better sex on vacations is because they shed their inhibitions and simply concentrate on doing what feels good. So, if role-playing is more your thing, you and your partner can pretend that you are on vacation by having you play the role of the cabana boy and have her play herself – a horny foreign tourist looking to have sex with a local.
All you have to do is don your favorite tropical party shirt, knock on her bedroom door claiming you are bringing room service. She will accidentally be found without her clothes on, and the rest I will leave to your imagination.
Add Your Own Twist

If these scenarios don’t do it for you, then think of your own, using real life vacation sex experiences for ideas. All you have to do is think of your most memorable vacation moments with your partner and then re-create them in your home.
There are just a few things to keep in mind to ensure fantastic vacation sex at home:
• No distractions: Vacation means no phone, no internet and no work at home. This may be harder to manage, but if you want to create a vacation atmosphere, you will have to get rid of these distracting devices
• No schedule: The best part about any vacation is that it is all about relaxing. Wake up late, eat breakfast in bed, lounge around in very few clothes, take a dip in the hot tub, and then go back to bed for more sex.
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visit this website nowAugust 30, 2012 at 2:01 am
well said and written! Thanks so much