Boomer Style Magazine

Eyes On Freedom

So Who Voted for Health Care Reform and the Stimulus Plan Anyway?

May 14, 2012 by lyra in Eyes On Freedom with 1 Comment
Obama's Health Care Speech to joint session of Congress, Sept. 9, 2009

Obama's Health Care Speech to joint session of Congress, Sept. 9, 2009


H.R. 1424 TARP Senate Votes

If ObamaCare, the Stimulus and TARP are so Great, Why aren’t Politicians Bragging?

And, Who are the Rich, Anyway?

Chanel Notes

H.R. 1424 TARP Senate VotesIn watching the advertisements for the ‘elect me’ pitches, it seems no one is responsible for voting in the health care reform, which is ready to usurp the last of our gas money in 2014. No one voted for the stimulus either, and no one who is running wants to raise taxes.  A few do, but only on the rich–which is odd, because they consider anyone who earns over $250,000 rich–whether you are a small business, an individual OR a couple earning together. 

H.R.1424 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Better Known as The Banker Bailout Bill of 2008: TARP Click Here to See How Your Senator Voted for TARP
See How Your Representative Voted for TARP

It’s odd because if a person has been a politician for any amount of time, they become the rich they talk about–they come in with Fords and leave with Jets, if they do happen to leave politics they gain careers that pay overblown bonuses for doing a crap job, often in positions they, themselves insisted our Republic needed–even though, we the people who pay for it didn’t get to vote ‘it’ in. They command huge speakingr fees, book deals, become lobbyists…and, they don’t have to worry about their healthcare, plus they have an income for life. They get all this for doing a job of the likes we see right now…is that insane?

Who has to Pay those Forgetful Taxes?

Something else happens when  you have been a politician for awhile, you don’t have to pay your taxes and the IRS will leave you alone. If you forget, it’s okay, the system is very forgiving. We understand you have much on your mind, like where can one get the best meal for $300 or more.  Oopsie, a little accounting error, just a minor mistake of a few hundred-thousand, no problem.  You know, like Timothy Geithner found out, those darned things are hard.

According to different sources there is over $1 billion dollars owed in back taxes by these people who think they are above us…the ones who have forgotten they are here to be our voices–not our caretakers and not to be the boss of you and me. 

It’s okay, they did pay their taxes, they just made a little mistake or an error in judgment.

What’s the Difference Between a Politician and a Tax-Avoider?

What’s the difference between Wesley Snipes and Charlie Rangel? Snipes is in jail and Rangel is living life large. Rangel felt pretty bad about being censured–not for what he’d done, he was mad that he was censured for it. The New York Times, not known to dig deep for facts nor to show the whole story on certain political parties did say Rangel forgot to pay taxes on his beach front property for 15 years. That seems to be the tip of the iceberg as there were many more investigations, but none of these have come to light in public. We still have no idea how much Rangel didn’t pay. We still don’t know how much of our taxpayer money was used for him to raise campaign contributions, and we don’t know if he payed all of his other taxes.

Snipes on the other-hand, sits in a jail cell. He can’t go to his beachfront house at the Punta Cana resort and club to reflect on where he went wrong. He even was doing something about his taxes and had filed a successful appeal to the courts. But, regardless of the appeal and the courts being the one to slow the wheels of justice, Snipes had to go to jail.

What is the difference between Rangel and Snipes? Representative Rangel was chairman of the Congressional committee for writing tax code for ‘We the People’ to adhere and bide by. He forgot, but Snipes is a criminal. Another interesting point is, Snipes is sitting in jail for not paying taxes, which is unconstitutional. He is in jail for not paying taxation without representation. Rangel is just absent minded.

Pelosi and the Democrats walking arm in arm with her gavel to show America Obamacare had enough votes after closed door meetings with Obama.

For me, this isn’t about Right/Left, Green, Red or Blue, it is about 90 percent of the politicians who are there for self-serving purposes–to fill their pockets, say nasty things, take away our rights, figure out new ridiculous ways to get their hand further down in our pockets, get more power over us and interfere in our lives more and more.

They think we are stupid and in looking who we all voted in to hold office, have to agree. Have you ever talked to a politician before? I mean had a deep conversation with one? Most are about as dumb as a box of rocks–but they do have one thing going for them, they do have charisma.

Every party has said they were going to lower taxes, cut spending, make government smaller and yet, each year just the opposite happens. And, each year we vote the same clowns in year after year after year…and they laugh at us. They know America is not racist as they portray us, yet, we argue and act as if we are…

To me, who cares if it is a Democrat or Republican, my freedoms get less and less, my take home gets less and less, my home value is less and less, my social security is less and less…to me the biggest fleecing of a nation has happened and we have all been fleeced, whether we are short or tall, fat or thin, young or old, male or female–we are all in this together.

They think we won’t remember who voted for TARP, ObamaCare without reading it to us first, for Big Business Bailouts…they think we will forget and they can throw us a few crumbs back and we will be grateful and vote for them again.  They think we are okay with them breaking the laws, not upholding the laws they write and pass, and for not securing our country, yet sending our babies overseas to spill their blood while their children and everyone else’s children from any country you can think of, live life large off of our backs.

I ask America, will we?


Let the Voting Begin, Let Us Remember

One Comment

  1. EmmanuelJune 8, 2012 at 12:08 pmReply

    Dang, I hate it when that happens! I’m one-quarter Cherokee Indian, not authnetic enough a minority I suppose…having this pale face and all. Reckon that’ll make a difference to WASP (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) haters and discriminators? Socialist utopia…ah the wonder of it all! I smell revolution in the air…change even. peace and love…

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