Eyes On Freedom
Sense and Nonsense Regarding Illegal Aliens and Immigrants
Sense and Nonsense Regarding Illegal Aliens and Immigrants
Ernie Hooker
It is interesting to me that I can talk to neighbors and friends of all different political persuasions and make sense of what they are saying regarding legal and political problems. I may not always agree, however, I have no problem with clarity. Although, something of interest to me is over the past several months people I know have become less attached to any political party. When I listen to journalists and politicians I feel like I am listening to immature teenagers who have no idea what they are talking about; or they are purposely being misleading. If they are trying to mislead us, it appears lately they are a total failure. Is there no one left except those who speak in vague generalities?
The following are some examples:
When one “expert” was asked about the Arizona law and how to deal with the crime caused by illegal aliens he said they should make sure all the employers crack down on undocumented workers.

Before unemployment rise statistics say 50 percent of the illegal aliens came to US to intentionally commit crimes, now ICE stats say over 81 percent of the illegal aliens crossing our borders come for criminal intents.
The problem I have with that: They were discussing dealing with the crime by illegal aliens. Cracking down on the employers will only identify workers who are the least likely to be criminals.
A few years ago a study indicated that approximately 50 percent of those crossing the border illegally were coming for criminal reasons. Also, only about half of those crossing were actually Mexicans. Many were from the mid-east. If that doesn’t concern you, check the government statistics on the increase in prison population and where they are from–particularly in the Border States.
With the lack of jobs in the past two years it is most likely less of those crossing the border are looking for work and the criminal element is increasing; according to ICE statistics those coming to commit crime is now over 81 percent. This is not a comment for or against worker verification. It is a statement of serious doubt of any sincerity about national security. If we don’t secure the border, the rest of homeland security is, at best, a bad joke.
It is difficult to hear any news that doesn’t lump illegal aliens and legal immigrants into one category called immigrant. I happen to know several people who live in my area and are legal immigrants, they describe the difficulty they had in becoming a legal immigrant or citizen. Why the extreme callousness by the news media and their unwillingness to care how obnoxious their characterization is to the legal residents?
There is also this ongoing insanity that the only way to deal with the problem is passing more laws. We have immigration laws and guest worker laws. I became aware of these when, in 1990, I hired a person with a work visa status; I periodically had to sign her papers. Why do we want to pass more laws if we don’t enforce the ones we have?
It reminds me of some years ago when a public figure was shot and very seriously wounded. A well known senator from California was on a rant about how we should pass a law to ban selling full-automatic weapons to the public. I never remembered a time when it was legal to sell full-automatic weapons to the public. Later, it came out the law had been passed in 1935 as a reaction to the crime wave which included Bonnie and Clyde.
There is this common knowledge in the media that Republicans want the illegal aliens for cheap labor and Democrats want them for votes. There may be some element of truth there, however, I want to direct your attention to what our leaders have either stated in public or written of their beliefs regarding world government or the new world order.
When a journalist or politician has only read the headlines or a few articles I find it extremely annoying when they call it a study or research. Most kids in high school would get an F for this kind of nonsense.
Is the New World Order the reason for our presidents and vice presidents failure to secure the borders at least the past three decades? Before you dismiss the idea consider how much of the behavior of at least our last four presidents could be explained by the following:
George Herbert Walker Bush September 11, 1990: “Out of these troubled times our objective, a new world order can emerge. Today, that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we have known.
George Herbert Walker Bush said, “What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea–a new world order…to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind…based on shared principles and the rule of law…The illumination of a thousand points of light…The winds of change are with us now.”
~Bill Clinton USA Today 3-11-93,page 2a
“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.” Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.
In his book, A Reporter’s Life, Walter Cronkite said, “A system of world order–preferably a system of world government–is mandatory. The proud nations someday will see the light and for the common good and their own survival, yield up their precious sovereignty . . .”
Conflicts across the globe and an international respect for Barack Obama have created the perfect setting for establishment of “a New World Order,” according to Henry Kissinger, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and former secretary of state under President Nixon.
Al Gore says the U.S. Climate Bill will help bring about “Global Governance”
It all fits; one world government with progressive elitists in control redistributing wealth on a global basis. Obama has stated he considers himself a “citizen of the world” and he’s also said that you can know him by the people with whom he associates. Could this be the end game? Is this one world government part of Obama’s career path?