Nick Trusolino Psychic Medium

Nick Trusolino is a man of many talents: medium psychic, artist, mediator, and there's more…The artwork behind Trusolino is an original of his.
Nick the Psychic Medium
Born: Nick Trusolino
January 23, 1953
Birthplace: Banzi, Potenza, Italia
“I’m searching for God…”
“Where are you looking?”
~Nick Trusolino, the Psychic Medium.
Nick Trusolino a Man of Many Talents
Angela Carbone-Dunavant
Nick Trusolino’s many talents include that of an artist who works with abstract acrylics, a family mediator facilitator, and a spiritual explorer.
It is in this last capacityLiving Life Boomer Style’s own Metaphysical writer, Angela Carbone, engaged Trusolino during a picnic on a gorgeous Sunday after-noon beside Lake Ontario, complete with ducks and swans floating nearby.
Q: Getting down to basics, Nick, I’m curious to know your own definitions of the words psychic and medium?
A: “It’s…how do I put it? It’s a name, a label, like the name, Nick or Angela. We call it psychic when we are exploring the content within our psyche. It’s parts of our nature we don’t see on the surface, our sense of self. The outer focus personality is our being in this physical world. We are all mediums. Our bodies are mediums that interact in this world. Anything physical….all of nature, such as a tree or a rock, is a medium for Spirit.”
“When a person goes into a trance, they try to be a medium for Spirit. The more you go into a fuller trance, the more you allow a deeper experience, like a volcano or an ocean. That’s the BEAUTY of it. As a medium there can be an out-of-body exploring, a picking up of people thinking of someone, of Spirit Guides, or a person’s inner self guide…a person’s essence mixed in with a bit of their Spirit Guide. It’s all so amusing, getting in touch with one’s trickster.”

Nick Trosolino explaining the difference between psychic and medium at a picnic with friend Alex and Angela Carbone.
Q: Do you have your own Spirit Guides with actual names?
A: “Seymour now and with my ex-wife there was Eli. We had tuned into Elitogether early on in our relationship. Eli would talk about consciousness in spurts. Then after my accident I needed to see more and that’s when Seymourshowed up. Seymour is a separate entity. We’re all from the same source.Seymour is from a deeper part. When I close my eyes or use a pendulum, my higher self or Seymour comes out.”
“Now a psychic picks up on people’s questions. Whatever comes in my head I share. Like when I paint I have to let go, not think, allow the energy to go through, trust. Poetry is the same thing. When doing a psychic reading, I put the focus personality aside, so I can tap into the extra sensory perceptions. I have to go below the outer senses, the outer focus, to take a dive into the pool. The depth depends on how much you have developed that part of yourself.
Q: When did you first notice yourself being able to dive deep into your pool?
A: “I was always able to do it. When a kid in kindergarten, I didn’t like being told to shut up. The teachers wanted me to see from the outside in, not from the inside out. I didn’t agree with how the teachers were having the students interpret reality. I had to keep my head down because I was hearing other kids screaming too much. I would hear spirits talking. I thought it was natural to see spirits and visions and empathetically pick up on people’s feelings. I wound up saying I was sick so I could stay home.”
“At around age 10, 11, 12, I saw people that others didn’t. A friend would be talking and I would pick up on a relative that had passed over, visually through my third eye. In high school I knew the inner voices were there, but I didn’t pay attention to them. I made a choice to attune to my physical reality. Then I read Edgar Cayce as a teen. It made me feel comfortable. It drew me to open my mind up to psychosomatic diseases.”
Q: How did you make use of your abilities once you were out of school?
A: “From the ’70s I worked for a number of years with people of all kinds of disabilities including mental health issues and also worked as a family mediator. I always intuited the best way to deal with the clients. It came naturally, a knowing. I was playful with them. And in the late ’70s, I had been also a co-creator, writer, publisher, editor of Dream Weaver Magazine where we tried to understand the nature and inter-connectedness of dreams, sleep, and creativity. We explored the nature of our inner senses: intuition, telepathy, empathy, out-of-body states, clairvoyance, and precognition.”
Q: Would you please describe the incident that drastically shifted your life seven years ago?

Trosolino has a great sense of humor and says many things tongue-in-cheek. He is a delightful man to spend time with.
A: “When I was crossing a street, a minivan hit my left side and tossed me up in the air. I suffered brain injury and was unconscious for a week. I went through a white light. Spirit manifested itself as Allah, Buddha, Christ, and a few other images that I look up to and feel comfortable about. We talked on whether I should come back or not. I said I only wanted to come back if I could bring back intuitive qualities in a primary, not a secondary role.”
“There was a catch. If I wanted to help people psychologically, I would have to trust the healing energy within to heal myself. I was in a wheel chair—couldn’t talk, couldn’t read. If I wanted to become a healer, I had to believe I could do for myself. Instead of relearning to read using see Jane, I wanted to read Seth books. It would take ten minutes to read one page. I would forget one sentence and have to reread it again. The inner senses of people with disabilities are more active. Sometimes people choose to be born with disabilities to tap inward. It’s like…if you are blind, other senses become more active.”
Q: What advice would you give people facing difficult challenges?
A: “We are brought to our choices to expose us to ourselves, not to hold ourselves back. That’s the beauty of life. We all have guilt, shame, depression… Examine why. Intuitively you want to go there, but you don’t, so you suffer the consequences. We create our fears. We listen when our body contracts a disease. We accept, not resist, our itch. It’s a state of mind, a belief system that’s created, a condition.”
“Our intuition helps us to open up. Quite often we go against our intuition. We undermine it, feeling it’s just our imagination. We all have it. We need to trust that part of our nature. One needs to sit back and meditate. How open one is to change….just acknowledge, address and accept what needs to change and then we can move on. We need to grow up. You have to have fun in your seriousness. It’s important to laugh.”
Q: What can people expect when they come for a reading from you?
A: “People may bring an object or have questions, concerns, issues and I tune into their fears, inhibitions, shortcomings to give feedback with insights, on how to realize them more clearly and deal with them more effectively, to what they need to help them feel liberated so that they can move on.”
“Sometimes I could be at a café or at the gym and pick up on someone’s past life. I see someone in such and such a time period. Or I may see spirits from a family member that’s passed on. Sometimes I feel like mentioning it and sharing it with the person. Some are more open, for information, for support.”
“It’s all about love and caring. It’s our nature. You just act on it, you enjoy it. You have to respect it, not abuse it. Let it come and let it go. Our nature which is part of God, part of all that is. That’s the beauty of it. It’s no big deal. On the surface it appears to be a big deal. Can’t let it go to our heads.”
“Humor is important to healing. Relaxation, not panic and desperation, to heal and open to changes. Panic and desperation made the problems. We have to learn to listen and that means we have to learn how to listen, how to be quiet, and let go of our day-to-day thoughts. Accept whatever you’re going through and let go. If I accept it, I integrate more. It’s like I’m looking for a woman to love. I’m looking…looking…looking. She’s inside you. It’s so funny. I’m searching for God. I want to find God. Where are you looking? Out there? Why don’t you just accept God is a part of you and you are a part of God!”
“You need to be ready to change and not be afraid of it. Be attuned to playfully have fun dealing with serious issues and concerns. It is therapeutic to be casual and relaxed and playful. For any kind of future, changes need to incorporate playfulness to emerge. It is important to have a sense of humor.”
Footnote: Seth is the internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher who spoke through the author Jane Roberts while she was in trance, and launched the New Age movement, for more information click here for Seth Learning Center.
For more information about Nick the Psychic Medium, check out his website or phone him directly at 416.500.2015.
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