If you are looking for something fun and unusual to do for a Halloween happening, visit the restored Deco Mound Theatre in St. Paul, Minnesota. They are offering ghost tours of the old theater. You may see the shadowy shape of a ghost, smell root beer candy or even get to have a conversation with someone who no longer has a physical body.
Mia Nieto is an interesting English woman who is one of the tour guides for the theater. She is very knowledgeable on paranormal activity and uses science to assist her in figuring out what is going on in a building or an area. Her husband is an artist, but also shares her interests in the paranormal.
Nieto said, “I was originallyrt of a paranormal investigations group and they did an investigation with the Mounds Theatre. We stayed in contact with the owner (Raeann Ruth) and did several more investigations because the building was so active. The owner asked us to get involved with some fund raising and to help with the tours–I have been doing it ever since with my husband. This is the second most active place I have ever been to.”
“I realized I was sensitive, got curious, why was this happening to me and no one around me. It has been 17 years since I officially got involved in paranormal investigations,” she said.
und Theatre Odd Circumstance
Nieto said, “The circumstances of the theater being closed down was strange. One night in 1967 the staff closed the theater down in the middle of operations–we don’t know why they left or closed down. There was still popcorn in the machine. They locked the doors and they never went back. Very soon after, a rich man bought the building and used the theater as storage. He would buy church organs and would have the organs literrally thrown into the theater–now the warehouse. They found some of these organs in pieces. He was a bit eccentric. He then donated the building to Raeann to use for the children’s center.”
She cleaned the theater out, restored it to its art Deco past, which took four years. As they were clearing the theater out they found some odd things.
Mysterious Findings
Nieto said, “In the old coal room in the basement, they found one shoe. A little girls shoe. It looked like it would match up with a six or seven year old girl. Just one shoe. When they cleared out the projection
room a wide water pipe had been hidden away. In the pipe was a little girls dress hidden in it, it was a section of sewage or drain pipe–why was it hidden away? It wasn’t blood covered or anything–it was just a strange unexplained place to be hidden, we don’t know why.”
Cold Case
“A little background of the theater; the theater building originally had a big parking lot on one side,” said Nieto. “It was taken over and a house was built on it in the 60s before theater shut in 1967. They actually had found a little girl murdered in the car park (parking lot). No one was ever caught for it. We don’t know a lot of informaton about who it was, nor the circumstances.”
They believe the shoe may have been the young girls. They tried to turn the shoe over to the police. They didn’t accept the shoe, nor the dress, the police said the case is cold. It has been closed over 50 years.
Psychics, Sand and The Shoe
“The shoe is kept very carefully stored,” said Nieto, “When ever the Raeann takes it out of storage, she will also find the bag has a handful of sand. I have handled the shoe it, is very very old, but it not filthy, it is old. You couldn’t wear it, it is showing its age. You couldn’t imagine all the sand coming from some where. It’s like gravel from a dirt road, not beach sand.”
Psychics and other people have said they felt a lot of sadness when holding the shoe. It has also been reported the items feel a lot heavier than they should be.
Nieto says, “A lot of people report when they take the shoe in their hand it feels very, very heavy and some people feel joint aches in their hands, like they are carrying something very heavy. Earlier in the year, an anonymous caller said they had lived in the area. They said there was a child molester working in the theater. We don’t know if this is true or not…you can draw your own conclusion.”
What Can Happen on a Tour
“We have a wide range of epxeriences. We see shadows moving–there is a projection booth in the top half of the theater, when you look up there when it is dark in the theater you can see shadows moving across the windows. They walk over the doors, the doors have glass panels in them, so it looks as if someone is walking back and across the doors. We have heard giggling, voices, talking, muttering, peoples names have been called out.”
Who You Might Meet During a Visit to the Theater
“There are three main spirits that have been identified and there seems to be, psychics tell us, a vortex here in the theater,” said Nieto. “Almost like a train station for spirits. They (spiritis) seem to pass through it for awhile. Why these things happen? There are theories upon theories–even though I am sensitive and have seen things happen, I am scientific. I also have a faith based belief. I personally believe that science is a thing that is constantly learning and growing, things that were facts 200 even 100 years ago are peeled back further and further.”
“Last year they were able to create out of body experiences in the labratory,” continued Nieto. “Out of body experiences were linked with hallucinations. As we can travel around our physical world, there may be a way of traveling our world in the etherical world. If you are doing it consciously–it is certainly possible. Could be people from the other side–maybe. If someone wants to go to a theater, can’t think of a better one to go to. It would appear that people are sitting in the theater where the theater chairs used to be in the auditorium, so it looks to be they enjoyed the theater.”
Other Interesting Experiences in the Theater Tours
On a visit to the theater, people have been touched by an unseen entity. Frequently what people desciribe is their hands are being stroked or pant leg or skirt being tugged, on as if someone is looking for attention.
Nieto said, “Which we think is quite interesting, because there is evidence of a six-year-old girl being attached to the theater. “The places where people are touched are areas where she is active in. She will choose someone she likes and that person will be touched a lot. Often times it is the person who walks into the theater who says they don’t believe in ghosts.”
When asked about the ghostly residents, Nieto said, “All of our spirits know they are dead. They say they stay because they love it, they love being here. Psychics have asked if they would like help in moving on. They say no–they would rather stay here.”
About the Resident Ghost Child
“The little ghost has a sense of humor, said Nieto. “We have a room called the childrens’ room. The theater is run for a children’s art program for at risk children. It allows these children to be out of their home to do painting and photography, music all kinds, really beautiful, beautiful things. The room is a beautiful big room, beautifuly painted. The kids spend hours after school and on the week-ends in this room.”
When the children are gone,” she said, “She seems to go in there and play. The pens and papers, crayons, toys have been moved. When we go into the room on our tours, there is nothing unusual going on it the room, yet, someone will say they can smell rootbeer candy. It will waft around the room in different areas–we can follow it around the room, then it will go away. The children are not allowed to eat or drink in the room. The smell will appear and then go away.”
“Female spirits seem to communicate with their favorite smells, their favorite perfume or favorite cooking. This is another way the little girl seems to reach out and let us know she is there, in a playful way. Again we have asked if she wants to move on, she says no. They seem to really enjoy being there,” said Nieto.
The Projectionist
“The one we think–Red Hoffmeyer–not sure about spelling of his name, the projectionist, kind of likes talking dirty to women. He enjoys baiting women whenever we use the ghost box. He has very specific tastes, he likes younger women. When women challenge him he gets crabby, he tells people to shut-up. The ghost box is really fun, it is a tool they can speak through. One tour had an older lady in it, she piped up and told Red she thought he was no good and a dirty old man. Everytime she spoke or opened her mouth, he told her to shut-up, one time when she spoke up, he said, oh blah blah blah. It was really funny. Red doesn’t like to be challenged by women, he really dislikes me.”
“One time I was in the projection room and I said, you know what? I hear all of these terrible stories about you, I think you may be a bit impotent. I started feeling pinches on my arms, I walked out of there really fast. Everytime we start using the ghost box, he will swear at me…he calls out my name. If he gets tired of talking to me, he will start calling out to my husband to get me to shut-up. He is a very funny, crabby, cahracter. He is not an evil spirit or anything like that, just a crabby old man,” said Nieto.
Jim Dolan
“Another one is Jim Dolan,” said Nieto. “Jim worked in the theater, he was a very young man when he started working here and he started very soon after it first opened. He was employed as an usher, he escorted people to their seats, made sure people behaved during the show, and if not, ushered them out. His sweet heart MaryAnne worked at the theater. He was sent off to war. He served his country. She promised to be faithful. When he came back, he rushed to the theater to sruprise her. She was sitting in the audience kissing someone else, he never recovered. He stayed single his whole life, stayed working there until the theater closed. He passed away in the last 20 years. Ever since the theater has been rehabited, he has been seen. He will often stand in his place, if we get too loud, we will hear an ahem cough, like keep it down.”
“We have asked him why he stays through the ghost box. Psychics say he is waiting for MaryAnne and he is looking after the theater. He is fine with everyone, although we have started having some thoughts about that. Someone at the theater deosn’t like me, I have had someone outloud call me a whore. My husband thinks it may be Jim. My husband thinks if you have been jilted by a woman–you may not have nice things to say about women,” said Nieto.
The EVP Ghost Box
The EVP Ghost Box is a fascinating tool. A ghost box is a radio that has been modified. Instead of the feed button stopping on a radio station it is constantly searching and catching feeds. Much like the scan button on your radio. What this does is create an electric-maganetic field around the radio. And, because it is a radio it allows the pick up of voices.
Nieto said, “We don’t understand the fully scientific theory behind it. The ghost box doesn’t work as aOuija board, but if you happen to have a spirit who is following you very closely and they happen to follow you to the theater, they can speak through the ghost box.”
She said, “One woman came in whose mother had died unexpectedly. The mother came through the ghost box and was saying her daughters name and saying her name. It was an unusual name. The mother said she was with her and she was okay. Our loved ones ofthen do stay with us for a little while, to be sure we get over them.”
Functions at the Theater
Nieto said the Mound Theatre is not a rigged haunted house and they are not promising anyone who visits will have an experience but in her opinion, it is the second most active place aside from Waverly House Sanitarium in Louisville, Kentucky.
it is a great opporutnity to give people a real ghost experience. Currently, the tours are just around Halloween, but with the interest they are receiving they will be doing some overnights. Perhaps at the beginning of next year, but if people contact them at the theater they will by happy to accomodate them.
The art portage has a music program for the children and one of the songs they created, Voices in the Wind, won the John Lennon Music Award. Nieto said it is a beautiful song and they did an amazing job.
The theater is a fully functional theater. They have plays, movies, and concerts there. The events menu on
their website is kept fully updated. You can also rent the theater out for your own special events.
Theater Details
Ticket cost is $20 prepurchased online, $25 at the door and the tours are being given until November 1, 2008. They will be doing overnights in the near future.

One of the many events held at Mound Theatre, you can rent the theater for your own event.