Unsung Heroes
John Trudell, A Man of Beautiful Lines

“The biggest point of destiny or awe? That I am still alive. I never expected this; I didn’t live my life this way. The biggest coincidence? That I am still alive. I don’t just mean surviving, I mean alive–I didn’t live life to be this way,” said Trudell.
As human beings, we are given the power of intelligence. And, when we understand and respect that power by using it clearly and coherently as part of our thinking process, we will be able to create solutions to the problems that confront us individually and collectively.”
~John Trudell, Oct. 12, 2008
Trudell’s Message to Human Kind
Born: John Trudell is “Good Enough”
February 15, 1946
Birth Place: Omaha, Nebraska
“My ride showed up. Celebrate Love. Celebrate Life.” ~John Trudell
December 8, 2015
Out of the Box Thinker
Dawn Bonner and Shelli Carlisle
“We are a spirit; we are a natural part of the earth and all of our ancestors. All of our relations who have gone to the spirit world, they are here with us. That’s power. They will help us. They will help us to see–if we are willing to look. We are not separated from them because there’s no place to go–we stay here. This is our place: the earth. This is our mother: we will not go away from our mother.”
“And no matter what they ever do to us, no matter how they ever strike at us, we must never become reactionary. The one thing that has always bothered me about revolution; every time I have seen the revolutionary is they have reacted out of hatred for the oppressor. We must do this for the love of our people.”
“No matter what they ever do to us, we must always act for the love of our people and the earth. We must not react out of hatred against those who have no sense.”
~John Trudell, Black Hills Survival Gathering, 1980
Who is This Man?
A man of thoughts, ideas, opinions and humor. A man who lives life consciously and fully. A man who is an open book and an interesting one, as well. John Trudell is a man who stands behind his convictions; who thinks out of the box, and who listens keenly to the Universe. When the Universe speaks, he listens, and then takes action.

“What we were basically saying to the American government is that they have a legal responsibility to the Native Americans. Not a moral or ethical responsibility–a legal responsibility,” said Trudell, who did daily radio broadcasts from Alcatraz Island during the Alcatraz Occupation.
The Alcatraz Occupation
For example, on Nov. 20, 1969 the Alcatraz Occupation started.
Trudell said, “I got there on November 27 or 28. I liked it and stayed. In the course of it, I became the spokesman and negotiator for the tribal government. It was crazy, I dropped everything I was doing and went there. It was the right thing for me to do.”
Trudell said, “I mean basically Alcatraz was, to put it to the simplest form I see it in, it (Alcatraz Occupation) came up historically in a period of time when there was a civil rights storm. Women’s rights, civil rights, protesting, political unrest. The action of Alcatraz Occupation was built around the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty. And, so at the core of it, this was in a native community. What we were basically saying to the American government is that they have a legal responsibility to the Native Americans. Not a moral or ethical responsibility–a legal responsibility.”
“These treaties made with the American government were laws. There are five types of law: common, criminal, constitutional, statute and treaty. Of all these laws, treaty is the only one they dropped the word law from. We were saying then, through political action, America has a legal responsibility–one of laws. What I found out? America is a nation of rules–not laws. They are just pretending it is law, laws imply just. In America, there are no laws, only rules. That is what Alcatraz Occupation was about,” said Trudell.
Trudell said, “The outcome of the Alcatraz Occupation was a growing political activist who moved in–American Indian Movement. It (AIM) went through Alcatraz and into the 70s. And, from that aspect and larger aspect I think tribes have more control over their decision making process now than they did then. For the Native American community at large it is more lasting. They re-identified our identity as a culture. Strengthened our spirit. I still feel it strongly today. I am grateful and pleased with these aspects. I am grateful I participated and got to be part of it.”
Heart Wrenching, Life Changing Tragedy
The Alcatraz Occupation was the beginning of political activism for Trudell. He became a public speaker and protester. Speaking out for the world to hear. Being involved in Alcatraz Occupation was how he became targeted by the government.
Trudell said, “I committed no crimes, if they could have hung a crime on me, they would have. I was just careful in some ways. Let’s just say in some ways I have been lucky, in other ways I haven’t.”
Trudell had been with his wife for almost seven years. He met her during a speaking engagement in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her name was Tina Manning. For Trudell it was “like at first sight for sure–like is the heart of love.” They had three children together. On Feb. 11, 1979 Tina was pregnant with their fourth child. Trudell liked being a dad.
He said, “I burned an American flag at the FBI building in D.C. on Feb. 11, 1979. At 12:30 on the morning of Feb. 12, 1979, the house burned down. My pregnant wife, three children and mother-in*law, Leah Manning burned to death in the fire.”
His Reality Changed Forever
Trudell said everything points to the fire being set deliberately. The government immediately issued all sorts of press releases without investigating the fire. They stated the fire started by an electrical short on the back porch fireplace. He said there is no possible way the fire could have been an electrical short on the porch as there was no electricity on the porch; the fireplace was an Adobe fireplace (building material made from earth and other organic materials).
Trudell was in the Newark, New Jersey airport when he learned of the deaths of his family. Alone. In the late 70s and 80s, the Newark airport was like the butt hole of the world. It was ugly, with a sanitarium like decor, dirty–with those ugly speckled beige tiles, torn seats–of which were few and far between, and cold. Both physically and emotionally. Can you imagine, being on a pay phone in this atmosphere, calling home to check-in, instead learning your family is dead and your home is cinders?
Trudell On the Deaths of His Wife and Children
“I didn’t kill them, whatever my strengths and weaknesses as a man, I didn’t kill them. I don’t know if I made peace with it, it has been almost 30 years. I have come to have my own understanding of what happened. I outlived my anger–the rage. I am not saying I don’t have anger. I outlived the extremes of it, the older I get the more my understanding evolves.”

February 12th, 1979 at 1:30 a.m. Tina Manning pregnant with their fourth child Josiah Hawk, their three children Sunshine Karma, Ricarda Star and Eli Changing Sun and Manning’s mother, Leah Manning lost their lives in a fire. Photograph courtesy of Tina Manning. Pictured: Tina Manning, Sunshine Karma, Ricarda Star, and John Trudell.
“My feeling of the American government, in actuality, hasn’t changed. I don’t trust them. I think the American government doesn’t act in the best interests of any citizen they claim citizenship over.”
He Drove to the Moon and Back
“I just wandered around for many, many years. As soon as it happened, I knew reality had changed and I was never going to be the same. I knew the madness and the grief was all coming. I didn’t know the forms it would take, how long it would last, didn’t know if I could make it through it. Between 1980 to 1985 I physically drove over 250,000 miles. It’s like I drove to the moon and back or around the earth over 10 times,” he says.
Instructions from the Universe
“This is where my writing career started. The fire was in February, at the end of August or beginning of September, I started writing. I was in Vancouver, Canada with friends. These voices came into my head–lines came into my head,” said Trudell, the voice said, “Write these lines down and don’t stop writing.”
Trudell is the author of two books, has recorded 11 albums, is writing the words for another album, still does speaking engagements and plays in his band. He said he writes line by line. His albums and books come from a compilation of lines.
Jackson Browne: Sanctuary, Friend, and Supplier of Cars
Jackson Browne was performing at an anti-uranium mining rally in Mount Taylor, New Mexico. Trudell was a speaker at the same rally. A strong bond was formed from that meeting.
Trudell said, “It was actually in Jackson Browne’s cars I did all this driving (to the moon and back), he supplied me with the cars and I started doing all this writing. I was with Jackson Browne, spending a lot of time in recording studios with him in LA. I didn’t know what I was going to do. My life had changed. I decided to write these lines and follow where the lines were going to take me.”
“I think he is an incredible writer and Jackson will always be a strong bond and influence. Nothing will happen that will ever change that. He kind of saved my life. Out of nowhere, he took me in. He understood and didn’t interfere in my life; he took me in and gave me sanctuary. When reality changed for me and I ended up where I ended up, at some point intuitively I got it. I am here, now let’s see what I can do. If he hadn’t stepped in, it wouldn’t have happened (recording, the band, the writing),” said Trudell.
Click here to Learn about the Band Bad Dog
They do quite a few shows a year in all different kinds of venues, from the Universal Amphitheater to local community halls. Right now, his favorite songs to perform are; Johnny Damas and Me, The Moremes, and Sweeting The Light. He says his favorites change, but these are fun.
“I only write the lyrics, the band members write the music. I can’t read a note. We have been together for 23 to 25 years. Standing on that stage surrounded by music works for me and I like the energy of the live audience, there is nothing like it,” Trudell said.
About Thunderheart, Val Kilmer and Kris Kristofferson
“I met Val Kilmer on the set of Thunderheart. I really like Val; it was a real treat to work with him. In the Thunderheart incidence he really was an ally. I appreciate him and it was a great encounter,” said Trudell.
Val and Kris (Kristofferson) are considered to be a brother/friend/ally. It is a connection that was there in the very beginning. As life unfolds, you meet people that are allies. We do keep in touch [Kilmer/Kristofferson], whenever we speak or see each other, there is no gap in time,” said Trudell, “we pick up where we left off. We are brothers.”
Trudell’s love and respect for Kristofferson is a two-way street. In speaking with both of them, it is very clear brotherhood between men is alive and well. Refreshing.

Kristofferson said in an interview with Boomer Style magazine, “I wrote a song about him that I still sing, Johnny Lobo. I tell them after the song Johnny’s real last name is Trudell. He is a poet and a warrior. He has been consistent for all these years, in that he has always been working for his brother for freedom…

The biggest miracle? The fact that I am with a band on stage performing; the thing I enjoy the most. And, for a non-singer and a non-musician, now, that is a miracle. I have a band and I perform. That is coincidence or irony or all of the above,” said John Trudell.
Mutual Respect
Kristofferson said, “I wrote a song about him that I still sing, Johnny Lobo. I tell them after the song Johnny’s real last name is Trudell. He is a poet and a warrior. He has been consistent for all these years, in that he has always been working for his brother for freedom. For human rights. And, he is still doing it. I know that I had seen him when he was really young back at Alcatraz. He was just a kid and already a spokesman. Again, back then he was just a kid. We do have a powerful bond; it’s a mutual respect I think. Also, the things we are talking about are probably the same too.”
Miracle, Irony and Awe
When Trudell decided to go into music, he always knew it was going to be the spoken word. He wanted the words that flowed out of his mind, through his pen and onto the paper to make sense. He says he has a lot of stuff going through his head–it’s a very busy place.
Trudell says, “I go line by line, I get a couple of lines or have a few separate lines, then put them together to make sense. So, if someone does listen to it (song) 30 times, maybe something new will pop out at them. As human beings we all speak, it’s one thing we all have in common.”
“It is just ironic that it is beautiful (the music and words) with all of the crazy stuff that goes on in my head. And, it comes out and makes sense. I can’t take credit for it, certain things I take credit for. I have to take action and put it in words, but any coherency is not my credit.”
The biggest miracle? The fact that I am with a band on stage performing; the thing I enjoy the most. And, for a non-singer and a non-musician, now, that is a miracle. I have a band and I perform. That is coincidence or irony or all of the above.
“The biggest point of destiny or awe? That I am still alive. I never expected this; I didn’t live my life this way. The biggest coincidence? That I am still alive. I don’t just mean surviving, I mean alive–I didn’t live life to be this way.
Trudell Isms
~I have no sense of pride, pride is a dangerous thing, something to have for others, not yourself. Too many people do f—-d-up shit in the name of pride. You see, I have to work at not having it. I find pride dangerous, more me oriented than us oriented. ~I don’t know what religiousness, paternalist-male dominated religious views, has to do with spirituality. I make a distinction because I separate spirituality and religion. Religion is not about responsibility, it is about submission and subservience to the ruling chain in command. I don’t think it is in the name of God when we submit to it, they use it as a way of manipulation. Whereas, spirituality is about being responsible. ~I am 62–old enough to do anything I want as long as there is consent and it is not harmful. Old enough to make up my own damn mind and not explain it to anyone. ~I am crazy. I was born crazy, I was a crazy kid, now, a crazy old man. The distinction between crazy and insane? Crazy means what it means, doesn’t mean you are insane or mad–it just means you are crazy. Typical means typical, normal means normal, schizo means schizo. I think crazy is that part that protects us, unfortunately we hide it. Think about this, when I look at the normal, I don’t want to trade places with them. They are insecure, frustrated, feel powerless. Insane, I don’t want to go there. I just picked this crazy niche. You know, just being crazy, I can get away with a lot. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Get away with as much as I can? ~We are in an industrial techno-logic religious civilization that attacks the human being. It is trying to isolate us, make us feel like a separate human being and I see it as a deliberate programming. ~I am talking about human beings, the non-Native community probably feels lonelier and the Native being probably feels better. In all of my stuff, whether is romance, political, all of that, I happen to be male, a Native American, our commonality is we are human beings. ~We are the seventh generation. In my culture, our responsibility is to look out for the seventh generation. Our responsibility is to live with the earth and look out for it for the seventh generation. And every generation is the seventh generation. ~I was raised as what is called a human, but I was raised from the view point of what they call Native American. Mexican is not a race it is a nationality and most of what is defined as Mexicans–they are native, tribal people that have had a Spanish culture imposed on them… ~Love of life and human beings. ~One thing I will say about my life, I know I lived my life. I don’t know how many people can say that, many people only exist. I know I experienced a full life. |
John Trudell’s Favorites |
John Trudell’s Humor |
Ovarian Cancer: Give Love Give Life Favorite Sayings Incoherent. It is what is. The Age Old Important Question Boxers, briefs, whities or nothings? It varies, it depends on who wakes up in any given morning. Favorite Jackson Browne Songs Late for the Sky More John Trudell:
Q: What else are you up to today?
A: That would be telling?!! I learned a long time ago, don’t tell on myself. I am not confessing, I am not telling on myself. Q: Where do you live? A: I live in L.A. (Los Angeles), I like it. I don’t have a problem with it… doesn’t matter how weird or strange you are, you don’t stick out. There is always someone stranger or weirder than you. Q: Most embarrassing moment? A: I am sure I have had a lot of them. If I answer this question, that will be my most embarrassing moment. That’s the answer you’re going to get.
Tagged Alcatraz Occupation, Bad Dog, Jackson Browne saved my life, John Trudell, Johnny Damas and Me, Johnny Lobo, Kris Kristofferson, Lines from a Mined Mind the Words of John Trudell, Sweeting the Light, The Moremes, Thunderheart, Val Kilmer
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