Boomer Style Magazine



April 30, 2012 by shelli.carlisle in Movies with 0 Comments

Good for Folding Laundry
Dawn Bonner

During the first 30 minutes of watching IOUSA I was excited about reviewing it and recommending this movie for everyone to watch. After the first 30 minutes, my opinion changed and my recommendation is to save your money and wait for it to show up at the rental stores.

It does have a good review of who does what in our government cabinets, our government fiscal history from the beginning, and it brings up many good questions to ask our politicians. It seemed this movie would inspire us to ask our politicians questions that could make a difference in how our government finances are handled; instead of worrying about the politician’s personal opinion of aborition and letting that be the deciding factor of who is qualified to serve as our mouthpiece.


By the time I wearily got to the end of this movie I felt a few things. This documentary is difficult to get through, it is quite dry, and wondered where was the humor they promised? Also, at the end–even though the movie says it is bi-partisan–the blame of our fiscal standing was put pretty much entirely on one administration. Not on how our country has been taking care of business for several years.

In the end, I was grateful that I had at least gotten my three loads of laundry folded and put away. Otherwise, I would have been very upset with myself had I devoted the time entirely to the documentary. And, after all the time the self-annointed experts who put this movie together spent on dissecting the fiscal issues, they had absolutely no solution for change. Instead, they left a doom and gloom, no way out scenario.

Again, wait to see it when it comes out on DVDs. And, you can save yourself time by turning it off after the first 40 minutes.

An Insidious Monster

Synopsis by Movie Distribution House

The United States faces an enemy of epic proportions. It’s not something you can see on CNN or YouTube. It’s not as overtly in your face as wars, natural disasters or terrorism. But this invisible, insidious monster is rapidly growing into a behemoth, threatening to spark an unthinkable catastrophe that will impact the future of the nation and the lives of every single American, no matter who you are.
This monster is the national debt – now at a gargantuan $9.5 trillion and counting – and it’s the subject of a powerful and entertaining new movie, I.O.U.S.A., that hits theaters right on the brink of one of the most exciting Presidential elections in decades. According to polls, no subject occupies the public’s mind right now more than the state of the U.S. economy. But can a movie turn the ins and outs of debt and deficits into something dynamic, fun and even inspirational?

I.O.U.S.A. does so by providing a humorous, provocative and ultimately inspirational look – one that is also consummately non-partisan — at a passionate two-man crusade to halt our impending financial meltdown. This is the story of former U.S. Comptroller General Dave Walker (a/k/a the nation’s top accountant), and Concord Coalition executive director Bob Bixby, who travel like town criers across America on what they call a “Fiscal Wake Up Tour.” Town by town, they’ve been arming citizens with information about how we got into a sticky financial mess, why we must act right now to stop it, and what we can each do to begin to free the nation from the stranglehold of this colossal debt.


Warren Buffet, Ron Paul, David M. Walker, Robert Bixby, Diane Rhem
Directed by: Patrick Creedon
Rated: PG13


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