Boomer Style Magazine

Eyes On Freedom

Health Care Re Care Reform: This Pretty Much Says it All

May 14, 2012 by lyra in Eyes On Freedom with 0 Comments
Health Care Re Care Reform: This Pretty Much Says it All
Let me get this straight…
We’re trying to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress who hasn’t read it, yet exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn’t read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke.

What the hell could possibly go wrong?

And, Your Thoughts? 









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What Our Readers are Saying
The president said in one of his 500 addresses about this plan, “The bill will now insure 30,000 ‘people’ who do not presently have health care and who could not get health care before this.”
This is about one of the only things this man has said that is true. Notice, what he doesn’t say…he didn’t say ‘Americans’ to my sadness. The figures on this vary, but one thing for sure–this plan is meant to insure illegal aliens. From all of the various facts and figures that I have come across, it is said, of the 30 million ‘people’ who will be covered by this plan only five to seven million of these people are actually Americans who can’t get covered. There are many Americans who are young and choose not to buy health care, instead they do something shocking, they pay cash for their doctor appointments when they need an office visit.
In my humble opinion, this is the largest redistribution of weath attempt. And, Obama arrogantly states, this 1/6th isn’t done overnight, it takes a few more years before it all happens. Well, I say, let’s take 1/6th of the people who voted this in, let’s take 1/6th of their income immediately and also, let’s make sure the legislatures, too are also covered with this bill, since they say it is so wonderful.
It, too, will cover up the fact our law makers have been stealing the money we have been paying in to medicare and social security. So, they can start collecting taxes to pay Peter who stole from Paul. What a farce, what a corrupt bunch of people. They are sickening to me.
~A Disgusted American who doesn’t want to pay for illegal aliens insurance. March 21, 2010

Baby boomers and older will remember this… our youngsters won’t.

Remember when we actually got to vote on things that affected us–not have to have things handed down to us by the oh, so wise and corrupt? Anyway, back in the late 70s we voted on making car insurance mandatory. In our naivety, we believed voting yes would force people who were slackers to get insured before driving their cars. Some of us knew something was up when automobile insurance companies were in favor of this.

But, we bit the bullet and voted yes, feeling good on the way home from the polls. Knowing we had just made our streets safer–if someone didn’t have insurance, they wouldn’t be able to drive, right?
Well, what happened when the law passed was a real eye opener for many. Our insurance rates went up drastically. Many were cancelled from their insurance. If they had speeding tickets, accidents, or anything on their record, the insurance companies would cancel them. Then, when the poor soul was looking to get another carrier, they found their insurance rates were double or more because they had points on their records, and not only that because they were uninsured. Yes, you read that correctly, you were charged more if you didn’t have coverage. Didn’t matter that they had been insured, previously.

So, we took away the ‘choice’ and made auto insurance mandatory–which took out the free trade. Almost making this a monopoly.

If we look at this, when we still had some choice…what in the hell can go wrong with health insurance reform? Well, we won’t get the health care we need. Never, ever has this ever worked, but when you take liberals into account, what’s the facts got to do with anything m’am?
~Remember the Past and Learn From It

Goofy Ideas

Great piece… reminded me of when this country understood that inexpensive energy was a key to maintaining our economy and standards of living. We drilled for oil where it was pretty much found and built quite a few nuclear power plants that are still operating cleanly and efficiently.. as opposed to the boondoggle ‘green’ wind and solar dodges pretending to solve big problems.. while creating a whole lot more. Anyway we used to do what was necessary to grow and prosper and create efficiencies by creating a wealthier more educated society.

Then came Jane Fonda’s “The China Syndrome” a movie about a mythical nuclear power plant meltdown, and that was it for nuclear power. No more were built in this country. France, Switzerland and Japan and other countries took our designs and took the lead in their production. France is north of 75% nuclear now and increasing its advantages to this country’s failure much to the ‘green’ movement’s delight.

Another goofy idea that absolutely destroyed our (America’s) small car lead was Ralph Nader’s book “Unsafe at Any Speed” which destroyed the Corvair as a market idea whose idea put this country first in producing economical small cars people would drive. Nader is of course a big time greenie himself. Bad ideas seem to find their way from the Left to the popular media to reality in the last 30 years.. no 100 years.. hmmm…ok since the French Revolution.

~Dan Young, Sacramento  April 6, 2010

Dr. Mark Starr is a specialist in pain, sports medicine, and thyroids.  His practice is in Arizona.

Dear Living Life Boomer Style,
Great cartoon, but sad commentary on our government. They are so secluded from real life, they don’t realize they will attone for what they are doing. Crooked as the day is long, mentally ill people making the decisions that will affect everyone from this day forward in an evil, enslaving way. We, the people, are responsible for this. We have abdicated our responsibilities to take care of ourselves. We have no tolerance for others, thus Christians have to give up their rights for other religions to have theirs, we have to force others to do as we wish, instead of teaching our children responsibility, integrity, a good work ethic, to keep your word… Instead we say the government should do something about it.
We let them vote their raises, we let them have their own health care, we let them get their pay for the rest of their lives, and many more things. So, why would they listen to us? Then, they take our money (the states) and tell us how we are going to spend it. Threaten, coerce, and blackmail us.
We, the people, are now paying the price for letting others make our decisions. For being lazy and apathetic. Maybe this is what is needed for us to wake up and start being proactive.
~Sam Slade, Chico, California March 21, 2010

Liberty Movement 2.0

Are YOU ready to work with like minded tea party activists to completely change government through REAL ELECTORAL ACTIVISM?

Time is of the essence! We can no longer afford to allow “progressive” incumbency to control our lives and liberty. It’s time for us to stand and unite. It’s time for us, as a movement, to break down the corrupt incumbent power grip on Washington!

Beltway organizations looking to use this movement as a “donor pitch” need not apply. Political parties had their chance. It’s our time to shine.

Join the Patriot Caucus Today. Coordinate for your county or precinct and help take back our country!  

Reinforcements Needed in DC, are you within driving distance? Your Country needs you NOW!

The final votes in Congress on the Government Takeover of Health Care are tonight between 10 and 11 p.m. Despite overwhelming public opposition, Democrats are working hard to ram this government takeover down the throat of the America people. If you’re anywhere near DC, get in your car and get to the Capitol right away. Your country needs you. (South side of Capitol, near House Offices)

If you cannot make it to DC, considering going to your state Capitol or local Congressional District Offices. Gather a group and get out there. And, if you can’t get out, reach out to others start hitting news websites and blogs immediately. Most news websites give you the ability to leave comments at the bottom of their stories. Reporters often use this to gauge public sentiment and reflect it in their news stories. Congress pays attention to the news and it affects their votes.

Spend the afternoon commenting on as many health care related stories as you can. Hit national news websites, local news sites, political blogs, and any other public venue you can find.

We must leave no stone unturned.

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

~Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Rob Gaudet, Ryan Hecker, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman

Today is a Sad Day

This is the craziest thing ever seen. A government that can’t do anything well, now taking over a plan that has never worked well anywhere before. Sick…now and God help me, that when I’m older, i will just die in my sleep and not need any health care.
Sheyanne Mae, Virginia

It’s always the case, isn’t it? The government caused the problems and they continue to escalate the problems. I think the cartoon above is too true. We are swept under the rug, politician after politician says we will like it when we know what is in the bill. Well, why didn’t anyone know what was in the bill before voting on this rediculous bill?
I hope everyone likes getting screwed. We are going to pay for this now, before we even get the so called benefit from this by raised taxes which start tomorrow. We get to pay for it in taxes and then again by being forced to have a policy.
It seems had they lifted regulation on being able to buy across state lines, took off the regulations of what has to be covered by insurance companies, that we would be able to buy insurance without being forced by a government that won’t use the same health care system.
~Dirty Deals Rule

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