Boomer Style Magazine

Giving Thanks: Gratitude

Giving Thanks: Gratitude

I am thankful for the amazing ups the thought provoking downs, family, friends, health and a very forgiving, loving and patient Creator. God Bless. ~Shelli Carlisle
I am grateful for the love of family and the heart warming kindness of dear friends and kindred spirits who touch my heart and give me the boost I need to do the work that makes others happy to read. ~Michael Holloway

I’m grateful for simple pleasures like walking in a misty rain, reading until 2:00 in the morning, ignoring housework and having reached an age that I have an excuse for being a curmudgeon. ~Robin Hoselton
I’m thankful for everything that has happened, that’s been happening and the things that will be happening in my life, for the love of family and friends that help me up whenever I fall down. I am truly thankful for just being ALIVE! ~Grace Ramores
I’m thankful to be privileged to be thankful. Whether it be by providence, luck, karma, or just plain good fortune, I’m grateful to be in a position to examine my existence and understand how fortunate I am. For example, I’m thankful that I am not a Thanksgiving turkey, and I’m thankful for Thanksgiving turkeys. I’m not sure the turkey would agree, so being thankful is a matter of perspective, and most importantly having humility to understand why. Cheers. ~Art Cofresi
I am grateful that God’s continuing the work He has started in me. 2009 has been a year of opportunity, challenges, growth, inspiration and perseverance. As always I am also grateful for my family, my friends, good health, for new ideas and peace. Practice thankfulness… Happy Thanksgiving, ~Krista Dunk

I am thankful for the wonderful life I have. It’s been a tough year for me but I have overcome it because I have my loved ones that always support me. I am grateful of having my family, my friends and my boyfriend for making my life wonderful above all material things. ~Lyra Humawan
Our Marine is safe at home after three tours in Iraq and Afganistan, for that my thanks go to God. My family and I are safe and have a good home and we have some great trips planned. God has blessed us/me and for that I am very thankful. ~Daniel Whitney
I am thankful for many things like being healthy, having a supportive family. I am also thankful for having a job and being able to keep it in these bad times and having friends that always look out for me. And Last, but not least, I am grateful for having God control my life and for all the other blessings I receive. ~Bianca Grimalt