Ten Points For An Extraordinary Life
Donald Trump, The Donald’s Creed

Donald Trump speaking in San Francisco, California; he was paid one million dollars to speak at The Moscone Center for The Learning Annex’s Real Estate Wealth Expo Series. © Photographer Dawn Bonner
Donald Trump
Born: Donald John Trump
June 14, 1946
Birthplace: New York City, New York
”Ask me anything, what ever you’d like to talk about, ask me and I will answer. Ask me about my love-life, if I’m gay, straight or otherwise. I’ll give you a straight answer.”
~Donald Trump
Clever, Open and Engaging
Dawn Bonner
In the days where being ‘politically correct’ is a movement, purportedly to civilize conversation; yet, it seems, instead of opening up communication, PC speak has taken away our ability to communicate openly and clearly. At times, it’s as if we are speaking mush… other times our verbiage is so nondescript or over-dramatized that many verbal and written communications are no longer effective. One comes away wondering, what the heck were they talking about?
Open, Articulate and Sincere
There are people who don’t follow this trend and this article is about one such person. He says what he means and means what he says. He’s as refreshing as Annie Leibovitz and Ed Evangelista; both also speak openly and unfiltered, without the usual prepared media ‘spin’ others in the lime-light often deliver.
Surprisingly tall at six-feet-four-inches and well built; this man could be an athlete. Funny, kind, well-read, down to earth and a straight shooter are a few characteristics of, perhaps, the best known real estate mogul in the world. He is the American icon whom we lovingly call ‘The Donald.’
Keeping Commitments
He shares amusing analogies, as well as, inspirational stories of his life. For instance, he talked about when he was up against the wall; broke, not knowing where he was going to come up with his next payment for the bank (this happened in the eighties).
Trump shared, “I was invited to a banquet and the last thing I felt like doing was to go to a banquet. I was staring at a bankruptcy; getting ready to lose a fortune. But, I made a commitment to go, so I went. I was sitting at the banquet table, not feeling like… like being at this roast. I started talking to the man beside me. We did crack a few jokes; got friendly. After we shared some things, I found out he was one of my bankers. I was able to work out terms… had I sat home on the couch, life would have been a lot different for me at that time. You just never know what’s around the corner,” said Trump. “Don’t ever give up and don’t hide out, get out there, live life, keep commitments.”
A Blessed Dad
Currently, he’s at the top of his game. Trump said he loves having a little one in his life again. His wife, Melania Trump, gave birth to their son, Barron on March 20, 2006, six days before his talk at The Moscone Center in San Francisco, Calif., for The Learning Annex’s Real Estate Wealth Expo.
He said, “Having my older children working by my side is another great source of joy. I am proud of them; their accomplishments and work ethic. It wasn’t easy growing up as my child, I expect a lot from them. I know I am a blessed man.”
“It took a lot of focus and determination to keep close knit family ties, loyal friends, and the empire I continue to build, but it is all worth it,” Trump said.
Donald Trump’s ‘The Apprentice’ Series
Before it aired, there were writers who published articles sharing opinions of what a loser Trump would be regarding his television series, Celebrity Apprentice. Their sentiments were of the conclusion his celebrity list consisted of low grade B-listers; hence a lackluster show would be created, according to the entertainment reporters.
What did they know? True to form, ‘The Donald’ pulled out another ace from his sleeve and produced the most watched show on TV.
“I love The Apprentice. That’s why I keep doing it. There were a couple of seasons that weren’t good. You know why? The personalities weren’t there. Those are the seasons I didn’t have anything to do with choosing the people. And, those seasons were boring. There was no one that stood out. No one like Omarosa [Manigault]. We really do talk, I like Omarosa, she’s Omarosa, she’s bigger than life,” said Trump.
Entertaining, Engaging and Educational
Trump has an engaging style, he entertains, educates, and amuses; his comedic timing is impeccable. When Trump shared his stories, many laughed so hard, tears rolled from their eyes. He’s earnest, engaging and vibrant when speaking. For over an hour Trump gave Carte Blanche into his life; spun with wit, candor, and honesty. Trump did not hold back while sharing a conversation about love, life, and money.
Trump is similar to Frank Sinatra; in that, people say it didn’t matter if Sinatra was in front of one or thousands, he made you feel as if you were the only one in the room.
Trump said, “Ask me anything, what ever you’d like to talk about, ask me and I will answer.”
Then, sincerely wanting to make sure to share something of value for our time together he delivered. Trump generously shared his top ten points on living life well. Gleaning insight into what he has learned through personal experience and that of friends and colleagues. Using examples of good decisions and bad decisions, he often is self-deprecating. This is his gift to us; well thought out advice, which may enhance your life. It certainly has worked for him.
Trump’s Ten Points to Living an Extraordinary Life, The Donald’s Creed
1. Gotta love what you do. Do something that makes it hard for you to sleep at night because you are so excited to get up in the morning and get to it.
2. Never, ever, ever quit. Never give up, if you give up it is never going to work.
3. Stay focused. Pay attention.
4. Be paranoid. Always be watchful and mindful of what is going on around you.
5. Momentum. Get it going and keep it up. (Yes, in the bedroom, too.)
6. Go against the tide. Go with your gut. Be one of the chosen few. You have to have great ability in what you choose to do.
7. You can help create luck. Make opportunities, create openings.
8. Get even. If someone screws you. Screw them back harder, so they won’t come back at you again. “I never have gone after anyone first,” said Trump, “but if they do it to me, I don’t ignore it.”
9. Always have a prenuptial agreement.
Using Paul McCartney as an example, Trump said, “I told Paul to get one before he married again, but Paul said he was in love. I thought he was being naive and I told him so.”
10. Think positive. To be a winner you have to think of yourself as a winner. Be positive about being a winner, in what you say and what you do.
You can find Donald J. Trump at Twitter
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Donald Trump President 2016 Website Make America Great Again!
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Tagged Barron Trump, Donald J. Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump on Facebook, Donald Trump on Twitter, Donald Trump President 2016, Melania Trump, Ten Points to Living an Extraoridiary Life from Donald Trump by Dawn Bonner, The Apprentice, the Donald, Trump bankruptcy, Trump keeps his word, Trump on Twitter, Trumps top 10 points on living life well
Sharna NelsomSeptember 28, 2016 at 8:55 am
We want to elect a man who will save our nation, Donald Trump is a decent man but there are people who are fighting against this. I resent these people and using the Internet Google machines to block the horrific things Hellary has done. O’bummer has given the Internet to China; hence, we may not get to read about honest and good men like Donald Trump anymore. Thank you for the article; you have captured Donald Trump very keenly. Enjoyed your article. Praying we get to enjoy it for many more years to come and that our worst fears, if our lazy, inept, corrupt nincompoop Congress doesn’t get off their arses, stop forcing us to use bathrooms with people and get to work and block the Internet move O’bummer is trying to hand off, do not come to pass.
ShigeakiJuly 1, 2014 at 1:24 pm
For the great majority of maknind are satisfied with appearance, as though they were realities and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are. ~ Nicolo MachiavelliIt is because of the above reason that I believe that Barack Hussein Obama, II will be re-elected in 2012. If that occurs, I also believe that the 2012 election will be the last that will be held in our country for generations and that he will rule for the rest of his natural life.I do not blame the politicians. As Lord Acton stated long ago, power tends to corrupt, but absolute power corrupts absolutely .I have read all of the comments to Robin’s article. You are all such wonderful and thoughtful people. I love each and every one of you and I thank you that I have a community of common values with you.However, here’s the problem:As I mentioned, I do not blame the politicians for their corruption. I blame the electorate. Let me explain:How many people watch American Idolatry (or, if you prefer, American I-Dull )?How many Americans tune in to the Super Bowl?How many American men subscribe to fantasy sports leagues?How many American men can name the top 10 NASCAR drivers but could not name the 10 Commandments (or the NINE justices of the United States Supreme Court)?How many American women tune in to Oprah Winfrey? Of them, how many can articulate a single amendment of the Bill of Rights?I agree with Paul Hubert more than any other reply in the comment string to Robin’s article. We must be on our knees beseeching our Heavely Father to show us mercy and to hear our prayer. We must be in our neighbor’s grille and challenge them on whether or not they have the political acumen to cast a competent vote.None of the candidates discussed in Robin’s article and ensuing commentary is capable of overcoming the Communist apparatus that is now in power. Not a chance. If, by some miracle, they were to they would soon be assassinated (remember Squeaky Fromme and John Hinckley?). Like an impetuous, yet overgrown child, the left refuses to relent even despite overwhelming evidence and fact.I close with the following to further reinforce my point:“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. {Ephesians 6:12}May God bless us and have mercy on us.PMF