About Us
Chanel Notes
Opinionated Dancer Makes TV Fun
Hi, my name is Chanel Notes and you have to know, I love my name and the design house I was named after. I love everything Chanel.
My contribution to Living Life…Boomer Style is rehashing and reviewing the current, hottest TV shoes. One thing about me; I call it as I see it. I love watching the dancing shows, but really get po’d at the judges. Usually, each season of ‘Dancing with the Stars’ starts with the judges brown nosing a couple of their pets. And, criticizing one or two a couples who are working hardworking and putting in their time at practice; yet, no matter what they do–the judges find fault and offer feeble compliments–if any at all.
Brown Nosing Judges on Dance Shows
This year the judges on ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ were blatantly horrible. They had two favorites right from the get-go and no matter what they did, they were fabulous, the best, blah, blah, blah, blah…Not only were their noses brown–their whole face all the way back to their ears were brown. Yet, no matter how PERFECT my faves danced, the first thing the judges did was turn to the choreographers and go on a diatribe about how wonderful they were, how wonderful their choreography was, how wonderful their teaching was…then, turn to my faves, the most incredible dancers and tell them they were just okay or worse yet, find a very small, insignificant thing and pick it apart.
Tell Us How You Really Feel
Well, as you can probably see by now, I don’t hold back. Your job is to send me in your opinions–even if they differ from mine. I truly am interested in your opinions and how you experience the same shows. Who knows, perhaps you will teach me a new way of looking at things. I will post your comments without editing–unless there are cuss words and my response, if I have one.
This looks to be a great season on TV and if there is a show you love, which I am not covering–feel free to write your critique of that show. I will submit it to the editor and perhaps you, too can have your own column.