Pet Lovers

London Zoo
The London Zoo is a Great Trip for Bird Lovers The Zoo has just rescued baby Burrowing Owls, opened a newly restored bird house for an..
Togetherness Fiasco
Togetherness Fiasco Robin Hoselton “Are you a birder?” “No, I’m a Presbyterian.” The gentleman at the Audubon..
The London Zoo
London Zoo The London Zoo is a Great Trip for Bird Lovers The Zoo has just rescued baby Burrowing Owls, opened a newly restored bird..
Oldest Known Eagle
Bald Eagle Found in Wisconsin May be Oldest in Midwest A Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources crew recently discovered the carcass of..
How to Care for your Pet Bird
Finally a Bird Book That Gives You All You Need To Know To Take Care Of Your Pet Bird or Aviary Dr. Joel Murphy, one of the foremost..
House for Rent
House for Rent Robin Hoselton Today I discovered that my tenants had vacated my rental property without notice. I don’t blame them as the..