Arts & Entertainment
Shahs of Sunset Guilty Pleasure
Usually… Mostly… A Pleasurable Guilty Pleasure Chanel Notes Is it just me or is anyone else tired of the GG storyline on Shahs?..

Snotty as a handkerchief Sneaky as a fox Compassion of a..

The crisp white paper is a stark contradiction to the stale words scribbled upon it pretending to be prose She sits for days and weeks at a..

Venus Transit Across the Sun June 5, 2012, An Ultra High Def Film by NASA
Solar Dynamics Observatory Films Venus Transit Across the Sun on June 5, 2012 In case you didn’t get to see it or you did see it and..

Arts & Entertainment
Need a laugh today? Want to check out Boomer Hot peeps? Find out the latest in Music, Fashion, and Entertainment? Love art? This..

After the windstorm, And after the rain Out of the ground Came an empyreal hand That drew me a picture And wrote me a poem And touched my..
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