Eyes On Freedom
California 2018 Primary Vote Guide for Biblical Values
Strike Force of Prayer Shares the Biblical Values Guide on Choosing the Best Candidates in the June 5, 2018 Primaries
Click Here to Download the PDF for the CALIFORNIA PRIMARY VOTER’S GUIDE 2018
Candidates for Governor in California June 5, 2018 Primaries:
John Cox-R, Travis Allen R, Antonio Villaraigosa D, Gavin Newsom D, Delaine Eastin D, John Chiang D.
All candidates running in California are graded on social issues, economy, cap and trade gas tax increase, covered California, single payer, educational choice, home schooling regulations, more gun control, increased business regulations, change Prop 13, sanctuary state-city, lower taxes, immigration, build a wall, DACA, minimum wage hike, protection of Christian business owners, protection of Christian government employees, remove tax exemption for churches, stop human trafficking, outlaw Christian psychologists same sex counseling, covered California should pay for abortion, live begins at conception, taxpayer money for planned parenthood, profile clinics promoting abortion, parental consent for abortion.

Candidates for governor in California June 5, 2018 primaries: Gavin Newsom D, Antonio Villaraigosa D, John Chiang-D, John Cox-R, Delaine Eastin D, Travis Allen R
Lt. Governor Candidates:
Ed Hernandez-D, Eleni Kounalakis-D, David Hernandez-R, Cole Harris-R, Jeff Bleich-D
God bless,
Michael Ortega
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