Eyes On Freedom
A Common Sense Look at Government

Thomas Paine artwork and quote published in a blogpost, “Some Common Sense,” by Middle Class Warrior at Rightardia May 26, 2013
A Common Sense Look at Politics
Ernie Hooker
I believe the average person who can run a household budget and function in everyday life has the ability to evaluate and describe some monumental hoaxes in our government. A simple everyday survival tool is to assess people by the results of their behavior and not what they say. To do otherwise is clearly self-destructive.
Those of you who have been around for several decades have seen the federal government run by both Democrats and Republicans.
A Few of the Trends for Democrats and Republicans
- The national debt goes up
- Immigration reform is about to happen, yet again
- IRS is going to be overhauled
- Overall taxes go up
- The state takes more money from the cities
- The federal government takes more money from the states
You probably can add to this list. No matter whether a Democrat or Republican administration, the same things happen over and over again.

John McCain worked with Russ Feingold, labeled as the most liberal democrat of all time; they sponsored and crafted many bills together.. Do you really believe he was a conservative candidate? Check out Open Secrets.org.
When McCain ran against Obama, a liberal Democrat, how many people really believed his stance as a conservative Republican? Who did McCain work with and agree with most of the time? Senator Feingold, the Democrat who was listed as the most liberal of Democrats. Romney was the so-called conservative candidate who sponsored the predecessor of Obamacare. Are there any voters who believe voting in Romney would have substantially reduced the debt or would have changed Obamacare? The few politicians who defy that D.C. culture are branded as nuts and radicals by both parties and the press.

Excerpt from Gas Myths by John Stossel : President Obama says, “Gas costs too much. We’ve put in place the toughest fuel economy standards in history. Over the life of a new car, the average family will save more than $8,000 at the pump.” The Regulatory Studies Center at George Washington University points out… car buyers’ care more about safety, style, power, etc. than mileage. Fuel economy sounds appealing when it’s presented as something created at no cost… car dealers say it will make cars cost $3,000 more. In order to make cars more fuel-efficient, auto manufacturers make them smaller, using lighter materials, they’re less crash-worthy… We’re seeing thousands of people dying on the roads that shouldn’t be.
High Price of Gas Fault?
Blaming the oil companies for the price of gas? I suggest you read the following article, Gas Myths, A Commentary by John Stossel. Something else to consider, Stossel’s article does not include the taxes and fees charged to oil producers, trucking, refineries and many other services needed to get oil to the pump. If you think these aren’t taxes and fees by the government that must be passed on to the consumer, you are not capable of running a household budget. With a little study on your own, it is easy to find the facts if you ignore the political garbage. Remember, you are paying for the gas with money that already has been taxed.
Paying Off the National Debt
As for the national debt, a little math will show that our grandchildren can’t pay it off. At this point the only way to reduce it is to devalue the dollar to only a fraction of its original worth. How do you think this will affect your personal net worth?

Neil Cavuto shares factual information on how the politicians think they know how to spend your money better than you do. Click here to watch the video.
Many voters gave up on having any input into the system because government is no longer responsive to the people; it is primarily run by government employees in D.C. and the press. When I say press, I am not excluding the so-called conservative press. They are just as much into big overwhelming government as any of the rest of them. If you don’t believe me, watch what the advocates of small government offer for solutions–more laws and more bureaucracies which cost more money. Again, I suggest you check the results, not what the press or politicians say.
Pubic School System
The power of the voter has been severely eroded by local issues which have moved to the state issues which have been moved to the federal government. One example is the schools. At one time schools were completely run and financed on a local level, then more power went to the state and finally to the federal government. Do you really feel as if you have anything to say about your local school? Public schools are a disaster and are more about teaching political agendas than basic necessary skills.

Presidential approval index by Rasmussen Reports shows the news media and the politicians think they are doing such of a great job taking care of us, yet We the People don’t buy it. Do you think this surprises the DC Clique?
Study the Facts for Yourself
If you are concerned about our political situation, then look up the facts and make your own decision. I suggest you never rely on what our government in D.C. or the press states as fact. One parting note, when our congressmen go home, watch how blindsided they are when they hear from their local voters. That will give you an idea of how in sync they are with their D.C. clique and how out of touch they are with ‘We the People.’
Sources Used for this Article
Some Common Sense, by Middle Class Warrior at Rightardia
Gas Myths a Commentary by John Stossel, Published Wednesday, May 29, 2013 in Rasmussen Reports
Common Sense Capitalism blogpost shared YouTube video of Thomas Sowell interview.
Open Secrets shares information on politicians and political fundraising, as well as bills sponsored by McCain-Feingold that were ruled unconstitutional.
Neil Cavuto: Politicians think they know how to spend your money better than you do, video.
Huffington Post Education: US Students Still Lag Behind Foreign Peers, Schools Make Little Progress in Improving Achievement
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll by Rasmussen Reports: What they told Us Published June 1, 2013
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Tagged cause more people to die, common sense, Ernie Hooker CADC II NADC II, government regulations, john stossel gas myths, politicians, rasmussen daily polls
GregoryAugust 21, 2015 at 1:35 am
Informative and interesting article, Ernie. Sad as it may seem, have to totally agree with you that is makes no difference whether we vote in dems or repubs, the same things keep happening.
Read another article you may have read already, but in case you haven’t, think you will like reading it, Ernie, http://americainclass.org/sources/makingrevolution/rebellion/text7/adamscommonsense.pdf
AltMay 28, 2015 at 3:35 am
Hi, i see your site has fresh content.
Your website in google should rate higher, content is king nowadays, and you have good content.
think this was a good article that will echo your sentiments: http://commonsensegovernmentviews.com/
DinaSeptember 14, 2014 at 10:57 pm
Excellent. Seems like the same old, tired politics. Great points, Ernie. Thanking the Tea Party for helping to get some fresh new blood in, let’s hope we keep adding to it and let us pray for a new kind of leader in the upcoming pundit race for president. Do you have a newsletter for when Ernie does more posts? Would like to keep following him. Thank you.
aceSeptember 14, 2014 at 10:56 pm
The dumbing down of America to throw away America, this way people are too stupid to know better. Gaining entitlements and letting people vote on them was not what Fore-Fathers set down for us. No one is to vote for their own raises, not politicians and not civilians. Good read.
AngelaSeptember 14, 2014 at 10:37 pm
Wow! all of teh resources and links to figure this out for ourselves. Thank you.
TammieAugust 10, 2014 at 12:58 pm
The presented models are endowed with a specific time program.
It all seems so planned. Mr. Hooker, you have good insight.
TereseJuly 22, 2014 at 5:50 pm
I came to your A Common Sense Look at Government | Boomer Style Magazine page and noticed you have a lot more hits. I have found that the key to running a popular website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter, which is very intersting indeed.
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http://www.homeaway.com/vacation-rental/p3485688?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=p345688_aug20&utm_campaign=property Too bad this wasn’t a bigger island, we could move there and have our own government. Like many am sickened at who we choose to lead us. Good article and good food for thought.
JerryFebruary 1, 2014 at 7:19 am
For this problem, we really need to be vigilant in who we vote for. And, we need to ignore the press (people responsible elevating stupid Svengali’s). The press keeps telling us if we vote for the third party, it will split our vote. After elections and polls being taken, shows if people voted their hearts instead of being sheeple those third party or good ones that are said can’t win, would of won!
FranklinJanuary 29, 2014 at 9:20 am
Be it a link or the article, have spent the last two hours reading your article and the eye-opening links. Oh my, learned a lot and am so pissed. What kind of dolts are we that we allow this type of behavior from our leaders? You are brilliant, Ernie, thanks.