Boomer Style Magazine

Eyes On Freedom

Obama, Politicians, Reporters V Public Majority on Illegal Aliens

May 8, 2012 by lyra in Eyes On Freedom with 1 Comment

Obama, Politicians, Reporters V Public Majority on Illegal Aliens

Ernie Hooker

19 ways the disparity of Barack Obama, politicians, and reporters versus the majority of Americans regarding illegal aliens shows up.  This is only a short and succinct view of the actions, words, opinions of our ruling class and reporters, and what doesn’t show up in news reports or discussions on how to solve these issues.

Public Majority Views and Presidential Views on Illegal Aliens

 What the Public Majority Sees as a Severe Problem

What Obama Sees as a Severe  Problem 

Phoenix is the kidnapping capitol in US and second in the World

If you go for ice cream you might be asked for your papers 

Billions of dollars of cost to the bankrupt states due to illegals 

Police might profile someone and upset them  

People killed and kidnapped on the border 

Any state trying to solve the problem  

Rampant crime in the border states


Shutting off the border

Identity theft

Figuring out how to give amnesty to 30 million plus illegal aliens  

“I will make sure that the federal government does what it’s supposed to do…a better job of closing our borders and preventing hundreds of thousands of people to pour in,” said Obama–public majority concerned because this is not  happening

Border agents and politicians who uphold the US Federals laws regarding illegal entry into the United States

Government solution to crime on the borders is posting signs warning US Citizens to stay 40 to 80 miles away from the US/Mexican border

Illegal aliens and dictators getting upset with him closing the borders

Americans are upset because ourpresident and politicians are breaking the laws they passed

“Arizona law threatens the basic notions of fairness that we cherish,” said Barack Obama

People who live in the US who cannot read or write English and don’t/won’t learn the language

Illegals not having drivers licenses 

Ten Issues Politicians and Reporters won’t Discuss

Border Policies

It is claimed that our border policies, if enforced, would be inhumane. Most reporters and politicians appear to accept the double standard of other countries who protest our treatment of illegal aliens even though their own border policies are much more severe and inhumane.

Citizen Protection


Have you heard any politician or reporter explain why it is okay for some parts of the United States border to be more dangerous than Iraq or Afghanistan? Why is nothing being done to protect our citizens?


On Oct. 14, 2010, a San Diego bakery owner and three employees were charged with hiring illegal immigrants. Frequently in sanctuary cities—and other cities as well—raids are conducted on businesses who employ illegal aliens. Politicians claim they care about the plight of these people who work to support themselves, but are they willing to spend time and money defending this infraction? Yet, when illegal immigrants commit major crimes, including murder, no expense is spared to protect those with proven histories of felonies.

False Empathy

Many politicians try to convince us that they have great empathy for the hardworking illegal aliens; however, they claim good motives for what ends up being bad behavior. Their false concern leaves illegal aliens in insecure situations without the promise of regular work and often in near slave-like conditions. At the same time they support illegal aliens with multiple felonies, enabling them to resist deportation and legal consequences and be funneled back into our society.

Human Rights

Employers and politicians often ignore human rights issues and exploit illegal aliens for their own purposes. Any discussion on human rights also ought to include how working illegal immigrants are preyed upon by the criminal illegal aliens (at times by our own homegrown criminals).


Politicians state that illegal aliens take only jobs that citizens don’t want. Many hospitals, like those in California, went bankrupt due to mandated free care, resulting in lost jobs. Are these healthcare and related jobs considered the ones that citizens don’t want?

New Laws   

There is constant talk about the need for new laws regarding illegal immigration, yet what politician can provide assurance that any new laws will be enforced when the remedies of our present laws are ignored?

No Distinction

Many politicians consider all aliens one group and that by report has infuriated many legal immigrants.


What are the federal and state statistics regarding illegal aliens? Which countries are they from? What percent come here to work? What percent is involved in drug traffic, human traffic or terrorist activity? When have you heard a politician discuss these specific details?


On the voting issue, are politicians referring to both legal and illegal immigrants? Do they assume that all legal immigrants vote only one way; or that all legal immigrants want amnesty for illegal aliens? 




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One Comment

  1. DiptyJune 8, 2012 at 11:54 amReply

    Neal,Jackie Junti sent me one of your articles. I write for Would you care if I ceopid some of your articles, of course, I’ll give you full credit.1963 Supreme Court decision given to the atheist O’Hare taking prayer, Bible Reading and The Ten Commandments have ruined the Public School System. This case needs REVERSED.Public schools are a LOCAL issue, 9th Amendment, State and FEDS have taken advantage of this with the nefarious Grant System (ie Federal Revenue Sharing Legislation of 1965, REPEAL). Local County School Boards are now rubber stamps for these nefarious grants and wicked rules, regulations and mandates that come with the money.Our Public School Systems were to teach the young people our Christian History and Heritage. What do we have in Public Schools today?????? No Civics classes, atheism, and promotion of the most horrible textbooks that aren’t worth the paper they are written on.Look at the bunch at these Occupy rallies. No clue to our Christian Foundations and the wonderful quotes that you use in your writings. ThanksFor God & CountryRuth Ann Wilson

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