Boomer Style Magazine


Sylvia Browne’s Salon

April 25, 2012 by lyra in Metaphysical with 0 Comments
Sylvia Browne
Dawn Bonner
Oct.19, 1936
Kansas City, Mo.
Children: Christopher Dufresne, Paul Dufresne”Be good to each other, be kind.  That is the one message I would like everyone to take away from my work.  The earth is the insane assylum of the universe, we are really mean to each other.  Let’s stop that.”
   ~Sylvia Browne
Intelligent, quick witted, smart sense of humor, direct, honest, and a fast study of people are a few adjectives to describe this fascinating woman.  She has a spirit guide, Francine, who shares the secrets of the Universes with her.  Yes, Universes–there are many.  Not only that, dead people? talk to her of the joys they had in their lifetime, things no one else could know of, unless intimately involved with them.  She has seen many things most of us have never known.  So, it seems odd and refreshing to see her get excited and flushed about an individual.
World renowned psychic Sylvia Browne is dating again. She’s ecstatic and by the way she lights up when she speaks of her new beau, looks like she may be falling in love. Bad marriages, a series of dreadful dating relationships; successful in her life in so many ways, yet the path of love has been a tough road for her.
Browne is like any other normal 71-year-old; dating, traveling, meeting people, speaking to the masses, running a self-started church–your usual senior citizen–but, she can see your future, tell you your past, and then educate you on the fairies in Ireland, and educate one on how the Loch Ness Monster came to be.
All of this and more happens at Browne’s monthly ‘Spiritual Salon’ in Campbell, Calif. People come from around the world in order to spend an intimate Saturday with her.  It affords the opportunity to visit with her.  You get to ask Browne anything you want, plus have another question answered by her guide, Francine, meditate with her a few times, and listen to her share her life, predictions, and thoughts. This is a great day to share with someone you care about.
The Spiritual Salon

"When she enters the room, you are amazed that you are actually in the same room as Sylvia. She has a charisma and a magnetism that is engaging." ~Judy Tavares, salon attendee.

The day starts with warm greetings from her friendly staff and volunteer members of the church. You enter a room with chairs pulled up to tables, waiting for you. On your tabletop is a newsletter from Browne, a cute hardcover notebook with pens, so you can record your notes through-out the day.

A banquet table sits in the back of the room with fruit, pastries, juices, water, and coffee in the morning. Later in the day the table is filled with cheeses, cold cuts, and more fresh fruit.

You can feel the excitement as time grows closer for the indomitable Sylvia Browne to enter the room. From our viewpoint, we could see her coming down the hall and my heart beat faster at the first sight of her. She looks exactly like the woman you have seen on TV over the last three decades. As she entered the room, you could hear the whole room have their breath taken away for a moment. It was as if a queen was entering the room. Come to think of it, she is a queen–she has pioneered the way for psychics and mediums to be accepted in most walks of life.

Browne begins the day with a prayer and a meditation, she then chats with everyone in the salon, it seems like she has always been good friends with everyone of us; she shares her secrets, pet peeves, and thoughts of the ways of the earth. It is fun and somehow you feel like you are privy to the world’s secrets.”All of you in the room today are on your last lives. And, another interesting thing about this salon–most of you are humanitarians. Humanitarians stand for freedom, justice, are activators. Their ascetic themes can be teacher, artist, or writer, people in the arts. It is no coincidence you are all here at the same time, the salons all have their own flavors, every time the same type of archetypes show up,” said Browne.


“Montel is a dear friend.  He is a genuine person, very big heart.  He even cries at stop-lights in the car when things touch him. We had just finished taping his last show, and werereminiscing about the last 17 years of working together and he starts sobbing.  Luckily, he has been picked up by another station and will have a gig coming up at CBS,” said Browne.

After Browne speaks of what is on her mind, everyone is given an opportunity to ask a question–ask her anything. The questions are varied; how the world works, career, love, health, loved ones–both living and those who have transitioned to the other side. The answers are fascinating, fast, and to some a big relief, even joyous. To others frustrating–when they want their lives to be a certain way and Browne says it is not going to be that way.

Following lunch is another meditation and prayer, Browne tells us more secrets of the Universe and discusses what life is like on the other side. It sounds wonderful. Then, Francine visits and it is time to ask Francine a question. Francine talks a bit differently than Browne, in a slower, huskier voice as she channels through Browne. Francine is very old, wise, and has been with Browne since she was born.

Before you know it, the day has ended. Time truly flies by when you are around Browne. The salon is entertaining, amusing, educational, and gives one food for thought.
Like Browne says, “Take what clicks for you and leave the rest.”
Predictions and Insights:
                                      Photograph Daniel Whitney
• McCain needs to get his neck checked and soon, otherwise he will have lymphoma and it will be too late to do anything about it.
• The younger generation are going to put the world in a tailspin–they are going to change things in the world drastically.
• There is global warming going on. I have seen the glaciers melting and falling into the oceans with my own eyes, but it is not global warming because of people–it is because the earth’s axis is tilting.  The earth is actually changing its axis, which explains the volatile weather patterns, and places becoming warmer and some becoming cooler. And, there is nothing that can be done abou this. We are polluting, but that is not the cause of the earths axis changing.


• The cars and people are not the problem with the universe.  It is the rockets they are sending into space.  They are tearing holes in the ozone.  Everytime they send one up, it is like a nylon running, it punches holes in the ozone.  Whatare they going to do up there anyway?  It’s not like we are going to move away to any place like that.

• This one gets me into trouble with the church and certain parties, but the fetus in utero is just tissue and nerve endings–since we are all reincarnated, the sirit–or soul does not join the body until birth. There is no reason for the soul to join the body before birth-it is boring in utero… So, for the women who get abortions the soul waits for another opportunity to be born with the mother, or moves on to another parent.

• The future of the earth, from what I have seen for the last several years when forecasting into the future by hypnosis of hundreds of individuals; we will be here on earth for about 90 more years. After that, it is blank–not one person who has gone into the future has seen anything past that.  Most of the people who have chosen to come to earth now are on their last life.

• Golf and Jai Alai are the only sports in heaven.

• God is NOT disapointed in us.

• God is actually a real being, a full form, real being. He cannot hold form for very long. Father God keeps us, holds us.

• Mother God is also a full form being. Pray to Mother God, she intercepts our charts, is responsible for miracles and things that you think are impossible.  For example, a level four cancer patient prayed to Mother God, in one week the person was fully cured.

• We will be able to time travel and teleport eventually. When this happens, you will learn you can take on any visage you would like to take on.

• If you get any kind of wiggly feeling when you first meet someone, stay away.

• Don’t wait, or ask “When is my time.”  Do what makes you happy, your passion.

• The story of Thomas in ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’ was written by Mary Magdelynn.

• There is a huge rise in autism, not from vaccinations as some think.  Because this is the end of times they are coming in so fast to help others, everybody learns around autism and raises their spiritual evolution faster.  They [the autistic children] are about touching, and colors.  It is so simple, it works, take them every where, they do get better.

• Another sign of the end of the millineum is the problems with reproduction.  Many cannot reproduce because people don’t want to come back.

• So many entities that are coming in now are psychic and spiritual.  After 55 years in psychic readings, I have never seen so many children with these gifts and abilities.

• Be careful of organ talk.  Do not say things such as:

They are a pain in my back.  It broke my heart.  You piss me off.  If your back hurts, look at who is the pain in the back, deal with it, and your back will stop hurting.


Sylvia’s Current Endeavors:

Photograph Arthur Cofresi





















Subscribe now to Living Life…Boomer Style, to be entered into the grand opening prize drawings.  Browne has generously autographed six books and donated them for some lucky winner’s library.

Browne is doing a series of farewell tours and ‘Temples on the Other Side’ talks, as well as more salons.  Click here for her schedule.  She is writing a new book ‘All Pets Go to Heaven,’ which talks about how telepathic animals are.  Everything God makes is in heaven.  She also has a new release coming out in September, ‘Mystical Traveler.’

Look in the August issue for Browne’s insights about death, how to know if your loved ones are contacting you, and a few other goodies.

Click Here to register for Sylvia’s free webcast July 17th.

Sylvia Browne is a prolific writer, having written over 45 books, several of which are NYTimes best seller’s.

This is Syvia’s latest:

Mystical Traveler: How to Advance to a Higher Level of Spirituality (Hardcover)

This title will be released on September 9, 2008.
Pre-order now.

Click on the books: you will be taken to where you can take a peek into most of the books.  Stock your library for some fun reading.  Sylvia writes in a conversational style, which makes for an easy, interesting read.


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